Business & Industry, Colombo
Beds: 2, Baths: 1
Property, Colombo
Rs. 3,000
Property, Anuradhapura
Beds: 3, Baths: 1
Rs. 540,000
4.75 acres
Rs. 1,890,000
15 perches
Rs. 1,575,000
Beds: 1, Baths: 1
Rs. 18,000
10.5 perches
Rs. 400,000
10 perches
Rs. 550,000
119 perches
Rs. 5,000,000
Beds: 5, Baths: 4
Rs. 25,000
Rs. 4,500,000
Rs. 7,500,000
Rs. 600,000
6.75 acres
Rs. 45,000,000
Rs. 11,000,000
Rs. 15,000
Beds: 6, Baths: 2
Rs. 6,000
Rs. 22,000
2,500 sqft
Rs. 60,000
Beds: 6, Baths: 4
Rs. 80,000
3,150 sqft
Rs. 42,000,000
46 perches
Rs. 575,000
23,000 sqft
Rs. 320,000,000
1,600 sqft
Rs. 35,000
Rs. 9,000
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