Electronics, Colombo
Rs. 950
Fashion, Health & Beauty, Colombo
Rs. 4,900
60 perches
Property, Kurunegala
Rs. 85,000
1,000 sqft
Rs. 30,000
19.35 perches
Rs. 1,000,000
74.62 perches
Rs. 4,500,000
Beds: 2, Baths: 1
Rs. 6,000,000
Rs. 75,000
80 perches
Rs. 4,000,000
Beds: 3, Baths: 1
Rs. 3,800,000
36.25 perches
Rs. 4,300,000
125 perches
Rs. 500,000
22 perches
Rs. 700,000
44 perches
Rs. 900,000
16.8 perches
Rs. 1,680,000
Beds: 4, Baths: 2
Rs. 7,200,000
Beds: 4, Baths: 1
Rs. 8,000,000
871.2 sqft
18.5 perches
Rs. 1,500,000
64 perches
Rs. 5,400,000
Beds: 5, Baths: 2
Rs. 28,000,000
Rs. 7,000,000
115 perches
Rs. 68,000
Rs. 9,200,000
Rs. 7,350,000
120 perches
Rs. 3,000,000
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